Posts Tagged ‘Star Wars Election’

Zazzle hearts Padmé

August 7, 2008

In case you didn’t know we love Star Wars and Clone Wars at Zazzle (seriously, you should see the desks of people around the office, they are like Star Wars archives). In fact, We love it so much we decided to have famous mural artist El Mac come in and paint an awesome Padmé mural on our office wall. check out the time lapse video of El Mac hard at work while I try to move my desk closer to the new Padmé shrine…

Also, don’t forget you can get your own Padme t-shirts, Padme mousepads, Leia t-shirts, Vote Leia t-shirts and more from Zazzle. Start shopping Star Wars, Clone Wars, or Star Wars Election Now!


Comic-Con was a Blast!

July 28, 2008

Wow Comic-Con was crazy fun! Zazzle was down at the 2008 International Comic-Con in support of our partnership with Lucasfilm to show off all of our great New Clone Wars Gear and our Star Wars Election Campaign! Fans loved the custom Star Wars Election t-shirts they could make at Con (see pictures below) and they also loved collecting all six (the other six you have to get at Zazzle) of our Star Wars Election buttons (Vote Vader buttons and Vote Yoda buttons were the most popular). The team had a blast and lots of people got to check out all that Zazzle had to offer. Here are some choice shots from the rest of the show.

Learn more about Vote Boba Fett Buttons, Vote Luke Buttons, Vote Grievous Buttons, Vote Anakin Buttons, and Vote Obi-Wan Buttons.


Hello from Comic-Con!

July 24, 2008

Zazzle opened its area of the Lucas Pavilion yesterday to show off the The Clone Wars Election center, as well as the new Star Wars Zazzle store! It was a huge success and everyone had a blast. But that was just the first night…

Right now at Comic-Con, the Zazzle area is PACKED with a constant buzz of Star Wars fans, as well as a few Storm Troopers now and then, checking out a the new election buttons, designing some print on-demand t-shirts, and generally experiencing all the awesome custom Star Wars gear they can create on Zazzle. Check out some of the guerrilla-style cell phone photos our staffers have been taking this morning and some of the photos from last night.

(see the entire flickr pool)

Also, check out the Star Wars Election Store to get your own set of Election Gear if you can’t make it to Comic-Con.

Learn more about the Star Wars Election t-shirts and Star Wars Mousepads at Zazzle.


The 2008 Star Wars Election!

July 23, 2008

The 2008 Star Wars Election has begun! Who will you choose? We’ve got tons of great election designs like Chewbacca election t-shirts, Boba Fett buttons, Luke Skywalker election mugs and more! So show your Star Wars Election support and get your favorite character today (I vote for Chewbacca – Let the Wookie Win!). Check out all the great designs at the Zazzle Star Wars Election store, more will be launching on Friday (at midnight)! Also, don’t forget to check us out at Comic-Con San Diego (we’ll be in the Zazzle area of the Star Wars Pavilion).

Chewbacca election t-shirt R2-D2 mousepad Boba Fett Button

Learn more about Leia Mugs, R2-D2 t-shirts, Han Solo mousepads and voting for yourself for Supreme Chancellor at Zazzle.
