Archive for July, 2009

Foto Friday – Earn $5 with your customer photos

July 31, 2009

Check out this week’s Foto Friday Fun!

What’s Foto Friday? It’s our weekly blog post of customers enjoying their Zazzle products. Want to join in the fun and earn $5 towards your next Zazzle order? Read below for details on how to participate in Foto Friday.

Want to join in? It’s easy and fun! For every photo you send us we’ll give you $5 to use on your next Zazzle order. So get started taking those pictures and join in on the Foto Friday fun!

  1. You must be in the photo holding, wearing, hugging, or otherwise enjoying your Zazzle product
  2. If the product is available in the public Zazzle Marketplace, include the product link
  3. Be creative and have fun!

You can tweet your photos to @zazzle or do it the old fashioned way by emailing them to


The Obama Beer Summit on Zazzle!

July 30, 2009

Today is the Official White House Beer Summit set off by past events that I don’t really have enough understanding to comment on. BUT what I can comment on is all the hilarious political gifts that are coming out on Zazzle to celebrate the Beer Summit. See below for some of my favorite Obama Beer Summit gifts.

obama beer summit stein obama funny beer t-shirt obama stein

FYI: I hope they drink Budweiser that’s the best beer in the world.


Taking Woodstock and Zazzle API makes your photos psychedelic

July 29, 2009

Check out the latest Zazzle API partner, Taking Woodstock! The groovy souls over at Film in Focus have created an awesome API in anticipation of their new Ang Lee movie, “Taking Woodstock.” The API allows you to turn any photo into a psychedelic Woodstock poster that you can buy on Zazzle products! All you do is upload a photo like this one of Zazzle co-founder Bobby (Bobby loves to volunteer for these sorts of things) and voila! You’ll have psychedelic photos and Zazzle products in seconds! Check out Bobby’s products below. Get started making your own psychedelic poster.


Zazzle’s Friday Muy Caliente!

July 28, 2009

This past Friday was the first Friday Caliente at Zazzle. And just what is Friday Caliente? Why, it’s a hot sauce tasting event for anyone brave stupid enough to subject their taste buds to some torture!

We lined up a series of fire ranging from fairly mild all the way up to what essentially can only be described as pouring gasoline down your throat then swallowing a lit match.

Ok, so I LOVE spicy food. And I can handle my heat with the best of them. As a matter of fact, like a few others at this event, I was able to eat my way through all the store bought sauces with only minor wounds. However, when Eric brought out his homemade bottle of…well…pure evil…things started to happen.

He calls it formula W263. We call it Devil’s Sweat…and that’s pretty much the only name I can post on this family friendly blog 🙂

Check out the vid…

Zazzle Shirts Featured on Terrell Owens Cereal

July 27, 2009

If you’re in western New York you can’t escape the Terrell Owens fever sweeping from Buffalo to Chautauqua thanks to the addition of #81 to the Buffalo Bills. That fever includes the newest cereal to hit supermarkets, Terrell Owens TO’s, featuring his Zazzle Terrell Owens t-shirts right on the back! Check out the pics below (the box was slightly damaged in my suitcase on the flight back…) and see the shirt in the Terrell Owens Zazzle Store. Now that we are featured on the back of cereal we are moving on to fruits and vegetables. Get ready to see Zazzle shirts on cantaloupe!

Terrell Owens T-Shirt


Foto Friday – Earn $5 with your customer photos

July 24, 2009

Check out this week’s Foto Friday Fun!

What’s Foto Friday? It’s our weekly blog post of customers enjoying their Zazzle products. Want to join in the fun and earn $5 towards your next Zazzle order? Read below for details on how to participate in Foto Friday.

Want to join in? It’s easy and fun! For every photo you send us we’ll give you $5 to use on your next Zazzle order. So get started taking those pictures and join in on the Foto Friday fun!

  1. You must be in the photo holding, wearing, hugging, or otherwise enjoying your Zazzle product
  2. If the product is available in the public Zazzle Marketplace, include the product link
  3. Be creative and have fun!

You can tweet your photos to @zazzle or do it the old fashioned way by emailing them to


Zazzle Featured Seller Interview with Bill Abbott.

July 21, 2009

Hooray for new featured seller interviews!  A new seller will be featured bi-weekly on the Zazzle blog, as well as in the Featured Seller section of the Community Page! Our first seller interview is with Bill Abbott, a cartoonist from New York who has been a Zazzler since 2003, the very early days of Zazzle. See below for the interview, and be sure to check out his Zazzle Store, mayc00p. Enjoy! 🙂

Zazzle: First off, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Bill Abbott: First and foremost, I have a family who supports me and believes in me, even when I am an unbearable knucklehead. I’ve been a cartoonist for as long as I could effectively hold a writing utensil. My work has appeared outside of Zazzle in numerous magazines, greeting cards, web sites, books, calendars – you name it! I’ve also had the privilege of serving over 17 years in the military (and continue to), including tours in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East, for which I am honored to have stood among the finest people I have ever known. And I like the color blue.

Zazzle: What’s your inspiration for your designs?

Bill Abbott: After many years as a cartoonist, I had finally developed characters that I enjoyed drawing and giving expression to. I had always thought the actor Walter Matthau had the perfect face for deadpan humor, and I’ve tried to incorporate his funnier traits into my characters. The glasses were inspired by my great grandparents who wore the type you see in my cartoons. The female was drawn with Ethel Merman-like characteristics, which I hope lends enough personality to make them memorable – guess we’ll see!

Zazzle: What has been your favorite design you’ve created, and why?

Bill Abbott: I spend a lot of time both writing and drawing all the cartoons you see on Zazzle, so it’s hard to pick out one that’s above the rest in my mind. Among my favorites are the one where Saint Peter has locked himself out of Heaven’s Gates – again – and has to have security let him in. Another is among the earliest cartoons I created which was featured in last February’s Reader’s Digest, and which doesn’t use the characters I’m most known for. It’s where there are three Neanderthals; one is lying on a rock slab, and the other is making introductions while the third is standing over the prone figure with a boulder over his head. The caption reads, “..and this is Ralph, your anesthesiologist.” For some probably unhealthy reason I liked the way that one came out, and I’ve gotten very positive feedback from the public regarding it.

Zazzle: What is your favorite Zazzle feature? How do you use it?

Bill Abbott: For sellers, there is a great deal to applaud when it comes to the user-friendly nature of creating products on Zazzle. I’m not particularly computer savvy, so any complicated methods for getting my work online would take too much time away from producing art. There is still much for me to learn and to improve on with Zazzle, and my stores are nowhere near reaching their potential, but the great information available on the Zazzle message boards and the tutorials throughout the site give me confidence that I’ll eventually get to where I want to be.

Zazzle: Do you have any fun stories about being a seller on Zazzle?

Bill Abbott: Actually I do, and it’s one that gives me a great deal of confidence in the professionalism and awareness of the Zazzle crew who looks out for my copyright protections. I had received emails, I think three in total over the course of my six or seven years with the site, informing me that I had violated a copyright and that my material would be removed immediately – infractions against my own copyright by me! Apparently I hadn’t gotten my permission to use my material, which I later graciously granted to myself in order to stay on the right side of copyright law. I emailed the person who sent me the notice and thanked them for their diligence, but I assured them that I was me and intended to remain so for the duration of my time with Zazzle and while I exist on this earth. A very funny moment, and one that I was sincerely grateful to have had, knowing that there are watchful eyes protecting me and my creations.

Zazzle: What got you interested in selling your art on Zazzle?

Bill Abbott: Truthfully, I can’t remember exactly how I came to find out about Zazzle, but it didn’t take long to figure out what it could do for me and others struggling to bring their work to the world through the Internet. Every so often I’ll browse the message boards and profit from the exceedingly positive experiences and the willingness of other store owners to share information. The more I read, the more it motivates me to expand my work on Zazzle and build a better browsing experience for those who visit my pages.

Zazzle: What tips can you give someone who is just starting out on Zazzle?

Bill Abbott: Zazzle can provide a window through which the world can view and embrace your work – so make it your best, and it will be noticed.

Thanks Bill!

One small step for [a] man… One giant leap for mankind!

July 20, 2009

40 years ago today, astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong, with astronaut Michael Collins manning the Apollo 11 craft above, set their Eagle landing craft down on the surface of the moon!  Here at Zazzle, we’re celebrating the anniversary of this awesome human accomplishment by browsing through some of the totally cool Apollo 11 products on Zazzle.  Some of our favorites are in the Space Exploration Gallery.

Here’s a popular product from Zazzle Seller Shadowalker:

Apollo 11 40th Anniversary t-shirt

And here is a very high resolution poster of perhaps the most iconic image from the historic Apollo 11 mission, an image of Buzz Aldrin with Neil Armstrong and the Eagle lunar module reflected in his visor:

Man on the Moon - Apollo 11 print

Foto Friday – Employee Edition!

July 17, 2009

Every so often we have a little employee Zazzle sale to let everyone at the office get products from Zazzle Sellers that they’ve been eyeing during work. Correction: No one ever shops on Zazzle while at work we all wait until we are home to do that ;). We did this last week, and have some awesome Foto Friday pictures of some of the Zazzle Staff enjoying their new Zazzle products. I didn’t get a chance to ask anyone what Sellers they purchased from so if you know, post a comment below!

Want to join in? It’s easy and fun! For every photo you send us we’ll give you $5 to use on your next Zazzle order. So get started taking those pictures and join in on the Foto Friday fun!

  1. You must be in the photo holding, wearing, hugging, or otherwise enjoying your Zazzle product
  2. If the product is available in the public Zazzle Marketplace, include the product link
  3. Be creative and have fun!

You can tweet your photos to @zazzle or do it the old fashioned way by emailing them to


Disney’s G-Force Movie T-Shirts, Posters, and More!

July 16, 2009

This summer’s hottest guinea pig spy movie is Disney’s 3-D adventure, “G-Force.” And the hottest place to get your G-Force gifts is Zazzle! Check out all the G-Force t-shirts, G-Force cards, G-Force mugs, G-Force mousepads and of course G-Force posters – all customizable with your text and photos. If you’re new to the idea of G-Force, check out the trailer below and GET PUMPED!

g force disney mug g-force disney t-shirt g-froce disney poster
